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Oct '12

What process is connected to a TCP port

How can you find out what process has established a connection to a server on a particular port?

First, get a list of all ports with a connection established to the port in question, we’ll use 1521 for this example.
#netstat -an | grep 1521 | grep ESTABLISHED

What this command shows us:
The options passed to netstat show us first, all sockets, both listening and non-listening (-a), and second, does not attempt to resolve ip addresses to hostnames (-n). From the output of this command, we first grep for the port number we are looking for, and then further limit the results to only connections in an ESTABLISHED state.

The output will look something like this:

Netstat output columns:
Column 1: Protocol
Column2 : Recv-Q
Column 3: Send-Q
Column 4: Local Address
Column 5: Foreign Address
Column 6: State

We care about the Local Address column, as this is the originating ip address and port.

Limit the output of the netstat command to only give the Local Address (column 4) using awk.
#netstat -an | grep 1521 | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{print $4}'

To get just the list of unique port numbers, we need to split the ip address and port combination and eliminate any local ports that match what we’re searching for as we already know the process that is supposed to be listening on the port (1521 is usually Oracle).
#netstat -an | grep 1521 | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f 2 | grep -v 1521 | sort -n

The command ‘cut’ splits the string based on the delimiter character passed to the -d option, in this case the colon. Then the -f option tells the command to only return field 2 of the split string, so in the case of the string “ip:port”, the cut command will only return the port. The grep with the -v option will exclude any lines with that port and finally we sort everything numerically.

In the end, we should just have a list of numbers, which are the outgoing ports of all socket connections to port 1521.


Now that we have a list of ports, we need to find out what process is using those ports. To this end, we will use the command lsof which will give us the PID of the process listening on the ports found above.

Let’s loop through the list of ports:
# PORT_LIST=`netstat -an | grep 1521 | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f 2 | grep -v 1521`
# for port in $PORT_LIST; do
lsof | grep $port | grep TCP | awk '{print $2}'
done | sort -un

lsof output columns:
Column 1: COMMAND
Column 2: PID
Column 3: USER
Column 4: FD
Column 5: TYPE
Column 6: DEVICE
Column 7: SIZE/OFF
Column 8: NODE
Column 9: NAME

We are filtering the output of lsof first by the port number we are looking for. The port shows up in the NAME column. Next, we want to make sure to further filter by NODE TCP. Once those are filtered, then we pull out the value in the PID column.

Once the loop is done, we pipe the whole output to the sort command to sort the PID values numerically (-n) and eliminate duplicates (-u).


Now that we have a list of PIDs, all that’s left is to get the actual process name associated with those PIDs. We’ll combine this into another for loop.
# PORT_LIST=`netstat -an | grep 1521 | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f 2 | grep -v 1521`
# PID_LIST=`for port in $PORT_LIST; do lsof | grep $port | grep TCP | awk '{print $2}'; done | sort -un`
# for pid in $PID_LIST; do
ps -p $pid -f

And now we have the list of processes with established connections to port 1521.

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Jun '12

Creating a DVD music mix disc from mp3’s

When I bought my car, I specifically asked if the in dash cd player supported mp3 cds. I was assured at the time by the salesman that it did in fact play mp3 cds. Alas, this turned out to not be true, and I’ve been limited to only playing audio cds in my car. My car has a rear entertainment center with a DVD player, and I’ve been toying with the idea for a while on making a music mix DVD.

Here’s how I did it.

  1. I put together my list of mp3s that I wanted to include in this disk. I wanted to make use of the id3 tags, so I made sure that all of them had valid Song Name, Artist and Album fields
  2. I installed the necessary tools for this project. I’m including the versions I have because I know syntax changes on a semi-regular basis for some projects.
    • id3v2-0.1.12-13.1
    • ImageMagick-
    • ffmpeg-0.10.3-1.1
    • dvdauthor07-0.7.0+-2.1
  3. First part of the process is to convert the id3 tags to version 2, so I know the format of the metadata. I’m going to use U2 – With or Without You as my specific example here
    id3v2 --convert "U2 - With Or Without You.mp3"
  4. Next, parse out the title, artist and album from the id3 metadata.

    title=`id3v2 -l "U2 - With Or Without You.mp3" | awk '/^TALB/ {
    album = $0
    sub(/.*): /,"", album)
    /^TIT2/ {
    title = $0
    sub(/.*): /,"", title)
    /^TPE1/ {
    artist = $0
    sub(/.*): /,"", artist)
    END {print title "\n" artist "\n" album}'`

    The output from the above awk statement should appear as follows:
    With or Without You
    The Joshua Tree
  5. I also want to pull out an updated filename for the output mpg

    outputfile=`id3v2 -l "U2 - With Or Without You.mp3" | awk '
    /^TIT2/ {
    title = $0
    sub(/.*): /,"", title)
    gsub(/ /,"_", title)
    /^TPE1/ {
    artist = $0
    sub(/.*): /,"", artist)
    gsub(/ /,"_", artist)
    END {print artist "-" title}'`

  6. Now I wanted to generate an image containing the above title information.
    convert -size 720x480 xc:black -fill white -font helvetica -pointsize 40 -draw "gravity Center text 0,0 '$title'" /tmp/$RANDOM.gif
  7. Last, I combined the mp3 with the generated image to create an mpeg2 output file.
    ffmpeg -loglevel debug -loop 1 -r ntsc -i "$background" -acodec mp3 -i "U2 - With Or Without You.mp3" -threads 4 -target ntsc-dvd -aspect 16:9 -shortest -q:v 5 -y "$outputfile.mpg"
  8. The final script can be found here
  9. Once I generated mpeg files for all my music, I restricted it down to just under 4.3 gigs so it would fit on a dvd
  10. I then generated a dvdauthor xml file to create the dvd iso. The example script can be found here. It takes in the path to the mpg files and generates a randomized list
  11. I used dvdauthor to create the VIDEO_TS directory structure and then burned the results to a dvd.
    dvdauthor -x dvddisc.xml

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Mar '12

Yarn Bombing Norcross

Official Yarn Bomb Installation Date is 3/31 from 9am – 5pm.

I’ve been having a ton of fun with the workshops for this the last couple weeks. I can’t wait till I get to finally put all the work on display.

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Sep '08

In Loving Memory

Smith, Geoffrey John

Beloved husband and father – Geoff, who never smoked, waged a valiant and courageous two year battle against lung cancer. Born July 25, 1945 in Melbourne, Australia – died September 24, 2008 in Plano, Texas. He is survived by Patricia Brough Smith his wife of 38 years, daughters Melissa Friedman, Amanda Smith and Cecilia Smith; sons-in-law Michael Friedman and Sam Smith and grandchildren Chelsea and Jacob Friedman. He is also survived by his sister Wendy Ellen Hunt and her husband John of the U.K. and their children and grandchildren, stepfather James Searle and other Searle family members and father-in-law Max Brough and family all of Australia.

Geoff graduated from the University of Melbourne, Australia with a business degree. He was with Eastman Kodak Company for over 30 years. His last position before early retirement was General Manager & Regional Vice President, Southwest, for Kodak’s Office Imaging division. He went on to form a business consulting and software reseller company, most recently dealing with SAP’s Business One software.

In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Cancer Foundation for Life (CFFL), P.O. Box 461042, Garland, TX 75046 or Community Hospice of Texas (CHOT), 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 210 East, Dallas, TX 75247.

A memorial service will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, September 27, at The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, 14115 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas.

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